Prevention of modern slavery is a complex challenge that is a key pillar of the strategic approach to addressing modern slavery, including for the new UK Government and devolved administrations.
Therefore, this Call aims to generate new evidence on effective approaches to preventing modern slavery. We expect to fund up to two projects to assess or evaluate interventions and demonstrate the effectiveness of interventions, one to look at the prevention of modern slavery before it occurs, or at an early stage and the second on prevention of re-exploitation/re-trafficking. Projects will aim to understand the effectiveness and impact of interventions and consider the contextual factors that make an intervention effective and replicable/scalable.
Projects may be led by either a UK higher education institution, an approved research organisation eligible to receive UKRI funding or a charity registered in the UK with a focus on modern slavery. Each team must be made up of at least one Principal Investigator (PI) and one Co-Investigator (Co-I). A PI is someone who leads the research team, they will be based at the lead organisation and will have overall responsibility for ensuring the project completes on time and within budget, and they have reporting responsibilities to the Modern Slavery PEC. Co-Is are researchers who collaborate with the PI to complete research, they may be based at a different organisation and their roles and responsibilities must be set out in the project application.
The PI, who leads the research team, can be either an academic, researcher or professional working at the lead organisation. We will accept Co-PIs on this call, meaning that two individuals are responsible for the project. Project teams must work in collaboration with at least one academic or research organisation and one UK based third sector organisation.